Wednesday, February 15, 2006 2/15/2006 09:00:00 AM
Animals have rights, too...
Judge Wapner's Animal Court - Special Collection Part 2
Cases include: CAT ATTACK: Plaintiff sues Defendant because Defendant was cat sitting for Plaintiff & one of the cats got outside & was carried off by coyotes. GOAT MASSACRE: Plaintiff claims that twenty-six of his goats were found dead on his property over a 2-month period. PIGEON-TOED HORSE: Plaintiff claims Defendant cut a toe off her horse, Dusty, when he shoed him improperly. WHERE HAVE ALL THE WORMS GONE?: Plaintiff bought a worm bin from Defendant's worm farm. When Plaintiffs went to pick up the worms they found the bin mostly empty. DOG EXCHANGE: Plaintiffs bought a white husky from Defendant for breeding purposes. They claim the dog's testicles are damaged and the dog cannot breed properly. BYE, BYE BIRDIES: Plaintiff contracted Defendant to watch her two rose-breasted cockatoos while she was out of town for 2 months. Defendant threw a party, passed out and the birds were stolen. JILTED JOCKEY: Plaintiff claims he was given a winning horse race ticket by Defendant to cash in. He claims he lost his job as a jockey for betting even though he was just trying to help a friend. STRIP ON THE SPOT: Plaintiff, an exotic dancer, had been a roommate with Defendant for 2 years. When Plaintiff went into Defendant's bedroom to hand her an alarm clock, Defendant's Dalmatian bit her and she had to be taken to the emergency room. (Description provided by content owner)
SOFA Entertainment
1 hr 30 min 56 sec