Wednesday, December 07, 2005 12/07/2005 12:00:00 PM
What's a video goodie? Well, it's a sweet treat that we just have to share - an intimate interview with the legendary Bear Stearns CEO Ace Greenberg. Join us tomorrow as we continue your wintry fun.
Open Exchange: Ace Greenberg
Beyond the Boardroom with Jonathan Tisch, a series of one-on-one interviews with America's preeminent CEOs and business luminaries. Jonathan Tisch, Chairman and CEO of Loews Hotels hosts Open Exchange. During his tenure, Tisch engineered the company's expansion and emergence as a leading luxury hotel chain by infusing the properties with a widely praised corporate culture that places a high value on partnerships. The setting is relaxed - we're not looking for the standard sound-bytes. Instead, Open Exchange endeavors to be more intimate. With eager curiosity, Tisch helps the audience get to know our guest and their background. That inside knowledge gives the viewer a privileged look driving the forces behind the executive's current business insights and corporate strategy. (Description provided by content owner)
Director: Richard Ficara
Editor: Aaron Neu
Assistant Producer: Sasha Segan
Executive Producers: Jage Toba, Jeffrey Stewart, Jonathan Tisch
Plum TV
30 min 27 sec