Wednesday, September 20, 2006 9/20/2006 03:15:00 PM
Gosh, it feels like Christmas has come early this year. Yesterday, we announced Captioned Playback and today, it's Public Page Views! One goody after another!"Ever wonder how many times a video has been watched? Now you can see the all-time number of views of a video, right on the playback page. You can also see how many times the video was watched yesterday. The stats are updated daily, and include views on other sites that have embedded the Google Video player for that video. We'll be adding more interesting stats in the weeks to come, so stay tuned!"
-- Matthew Weaver, Software Engineer, Google Video
New videos appearing on the Google Video Movers & Shakers list for September 20, 2006:
17 (US). Click here to watch "Joe's Twin Turbo Ford GT"
Produced by IMV Films for Much love to the crew @ IMV and HP Racing.

21 min 26 sec
Produced by IMV Films for Much love to the crew @ IMV and HP Racing.
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