Monday, September 18, 2006 9/18/2006 06:03:00 PM
Clay Aiken may not have won American Idol, but he's not doing too shabby with a third album titled "A Thousand Different Ways" hitting stores tomorrow.Today's Highlighted Video
Click here to watch "Walmart Soundcheck: Clay Aiken Promo"
The project, Aiken's first outing since 2004, combines 10 cover versions of well-known songs from the '70s, '80s and '90s with four brand-new songs. His fan base has only grown since his days on American Idol.

1 min 51 sec
The project, Aiken's first outing since 2004, combines 10 cover versions of well-known songs from the '70s, '80s and '90s with four brand-new songs. His fan base has only grown since his days on American Idol.
New videos appearing on the Google Video Movers & Shakers list for September 18, 2006:
79 (US). Click here to watch "Save the Stingray - R.I.P. Steve Irwin"
Michael Hornby, the executive director of Irwin's Wildlife Warriors conservation group, said he was concerned the rays were being hunted and killed in retaliation for Irwin's death. "It may be some sort of retribution, or it may be fear from certain individuals, or it just may be yet another callous act toward wildlife," he said. He said killing stingrays was "not what Steve was about."

2 min 13 sec
Michael Hornby, the executive director of Irwin's Wildlife Warriors conservation group, said he was concerned the rays were being hunted and killed in retaliation for Irwin's death. "It may be some sort of retribution, or it may be fear from certain individuals, or it just may be yet another callous act toward wildlife," he said. He said killing stingrays was "not what Steve was about."
85 (US). Click here to watch "NBP - "Somewhere I Belong" by Linkin Park"
We’re young, cheap & infamous. We’re “No Budget Productions.” Check out our website @ WWW.NBPVIDEOS.COM and don’t forget to sign the guestbook. Zeen!?

3 min 18 sec
We’re young, cheap & infamous. We’re “No Budget Productions.” Check out our website @ WWW.NBPVIDEOS.COM and don’t forget to sign the guestbook. Zeen!?
Think you have an even cooler video? Upload it!