Thursday, August 03, 2006 8/03/2006 11:50:00 AM, the self-styled 'root of the media revolution,' is shaking things up. With all that's changing in the world of online media, you can count on beet to be covering it. Check out some of their content, and be sure to check out their site.Today's Highlighted Videos
Click here to watch "Visionary Robert Scoble Readys New Internet TV Show to Launch in September"
We caught up with Robert at the AlwaysOn summit at Stanford last week. He has just moved to the Bay Area to join PodTech. Robert spoke with us about the future of video blogs. He's very keen on the notion of downloadable video clips. He tells that the world will be filled with video blogs soon, so it's imperative to create a niche. Focus on your audience and passion. Amen!

4 min 48 sec
We caught up with Robert at the AlwaysOn summit at Stanford last week. He has just moved to the Bay Area to join PodTech. Robert spoke with us about the future of video blogs. He's very keen on the notion of downloadable video clips. He tells that the world will be filled with video blogs soon, so it's imperative to create a niche. Focus on your audience and passion. Amen!
Click here to watch "New York Times Publisher Arthur Sulzberger, Jr."
At PaidContent’s packed NYC mixer last night, we taped some nice kudos for Rafat Ali and his crew from partygoers, including Jay MacDonald, of DeSilva & Phillips, and Darren Herman from MGI Worldwide. Our video montage also includes a clip from New York Times publisher Arthur Sulzberger, Jr. Sulzberger was the guest speaker at the event. He fielded several questions from the evening’s host, Rafat Ali.

2 min 41 sec
At PaidContent’s packed NYC mixer last night, we taped some nice kudos for Rafat Ali and his crew from partygoers, including Jay MacDonald, of DeSilva & Phillips, and Darren Herman from MGI Worldwide. Our video montage also includes a clip from New York Times publisher Arthur Sulzberger, Jr. Sulzberger was the guest speaker at the event. He fielded several questions from the evening’s host, Rafat Ali.
New videos appearing on the Google Video Movers & Shakers list for August 3, 2006:
1. Click here to watch "CD in a Microwave"
My buddies and I got bored and decided to see what leaving a CD in the microwave for 35 seconds would do. Its pretty cool!

37 sec
My buddies and I got bored and decided to see what leaving a CD in the microwave for 35 seconds would do. Its pretty cool!
8. Click here to watch "Max wingsuit BASE jumping in Italy Phoenix Fly"
Max wingsuit BASE jumping his Phoenix-Fly Vampire in Italy.

3 min
Max wingsuit BASE jumping his Phoenix-Fly Vampire in Italy.
14. Click here to watch "Laptop Theft in broad daylight"
Security camera footage of a laptop being stolen, in broad daylight.

3 min
Security camera footage of a laptop being stolen, in broad daylight.
To watch more top videos, visit Google Video's Top 100 and Movers and Shakers.