Friday, May 09, 2008 5/09/2008 08:49:00 AM
Hopefully by now you've had some time to play around with our different views for search results and find the one that best suits you.
For fans of grid view, we've added a new feature to make it easier to find what you're looking for. Now, when you're viewing search results in grid view you can roll over the video image for more information about the video. By moving your mouse over a video listed in the results, you'll be able to see multiple thumbnails of the video as well as the video description. This will give you a more representative idea of what each video is about as you browse your search results.

We've also restored some popular features. For those of you who upload videos to the site, you'll be happy to hear that our Community features (comments and ratings) and Advanced options settings (ability to restrict downloading as well as embedding and regional restrictions) are back.
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