Tuesday, November 28, 2006 11/28/2006 05:52:00 PM
What is WatchMojo.com?With more and more people turning to their computers for entertainment rather than their television sets, WatchMojo.com strives to produce original content for said people to watch. Their mission is to create informational and entertainment videos for the world wide web's growing audience.
So kick back, relax, and get your mojo here.
Today's Highlighted Videos

Click here to watch "Guide to Ties - The Windsor Knot"
Most men have no idea what they're doing when it comes to tying a tie let alone fashion in general. This guide shows you how to tie them properly and this clip shows the classiest knot of all, The Windsor.

Click here to watch "Guide to Belly Dancing - Part 1 Introduction"
An introduction to the art of belly dancing and some of its history and definitions.

Click here to watch "Fashion Faux-Pas for Women - Part 4"
A look at some common fashion mistakes that women make, and some suggestions for remedying them.

Click here to watch "Bartending Tips - How to make a Mountain Dew drop shot"
Bartending Tips: A bartender shows you how to mix a Mountain Dew drop shot!

Click here to watch "Guide to Drums - The Double Stroke"
A drummer demonstrates how to properly execute a double stroke.

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