Friday, September 15, 2006 9/15/2006 11:04:00 AM
Sierra Club Chronicles shares seven stories of dedicated individuals striving to save our communities and the health of our environment. You can find all seven episodes here on Google Video.Today's Highlighted Videos
Click here to watch "Sierra Club Chronicles: 9/11 Forgotten Heroes"
The terrorist attack on 9/11 was one of our country's most horrific moments, and the damage continues. Told there were no health hazards in the aftermath, the truth shows there was and many first responders are now afflicted and ignored by our government.

28 min 35 sec
The terrorist attack on 9/11 was one of our country's most horrific moments, and the damage continues. Told there were no health hazards in the aftermath, the truth shows there was and many first responders are now afflicted and ignored by our government.

Click here to watch "Sierra Club Chronicles: The Day the Water Died"
March 24, 1989 will forever plague history as one of the worst environmental disasters of our time. Eleven million gallons of oil spilled into the Prince William Sound killing thousands of wildlife and destroying a complex and delicate ecosystem. Exxon promised they would clean up the spill and promised that those affected would get their lives back. Sixteen years later and the people are still waiting for their lives to become "whole" again.

28 min 34 sec
March 24, 1989 will forever plague history as one of the worst environmental disasters of our time. Eleven million gallons of oil spilled into the Prince William Sound killing thousands of wildlife and destroying a complex and delicate ecosystem. Exxon promised they would clean up the spill and promised that those affected would get their lives back. Sixteen years later and the people are still waiting for their lives to become "whole" again.

Click here to watch "Sierra Club Chronicles: Rats to Roses"
This multi-year time arc witnesses the threat and loss of the community gardens in New York - but also the commitment and resilience of community organizers. Charles Louis founder of the Euclid 500 Gardens, says "these gardens have become community centers for people with nowhere else to go."

28 min 33 sec
This multi-year time arc witnesses the threat and loss of the community gardens in New York - but also the commitment and resilience of community organizers. Charles Louis founder of the Euclid 500 Gardens, says "these gardens have become community centers for people with nowhere else to go."

New videos appearing on the Google Video Movers & Shakers list for September 15, 2006:
15 (US). Click here to watch "Parkour Nowa Huta [PKNH] RedBullCityRage Video"
film krecony na potrzeby konkursu

3 min 41 sec
film krecony na potrzeby konkursu

23 (US). Click here to watch "Lynne and Tessa All the small things hot karaoke video"
Lyn is the best!!!!

2 min 47 sec
Lyn is the best!!!!

75 (US). Click here to watch "Elemntality Volume 1"
The latest video from Element Skateboards

51 min 30 sec
The latest video from Element Skateboards

Think you have an even cooler video? Upload it!