Thursday, July 20, 2006 7/20/2006 05:16:00 PM
It's been a busy week here in Google Video land... on top of yesterday's change, today we updated our homepage. Now, when you visit, you'll see a whole new design with more category sections and a Top 10 list (and Movers & Shakers). We hope these changes make it easier for you to find the videos you're looking for.
New videos appearing on the Google Video Top 100 list for July 20, 2006:
20. Click here to watch "Celebhead: Britney Spears"
Have you ever wished you could see the world from a celebrity's point of view? Now you can! Celebhead literally puts you in the head of your favorite pop culture icons

3 min 30 sec
Have you ever wished you could see the world from a celebrity's point of view? Now you can! Celebhead literally puts you in the head of your favorite pop culture icons

48. Click here to watch "Jumbo Jet vs People on the Beach"
This is video footage of a plane taking off at the Princess Juliana Airport at St Maarten. Look at what happens to the people on the beach.

15 sec
This is video footage of a plane taking off at the Princess Juliana Airport at St Maarten. Look at what happens to the people on the beach.

100. Click here to watch "Rich Schefren's Business Building Presentation"
Watch Rich Schefren discuss the powerful concepts behind his successful business building career.

1 hr 35 min 54 sec
Watch Rich Schefren discuss the powerful concepts behind his successful business building career.

To watch more top videos, visit Google Video's Top 100 and Movers and Shakers.